08 December 2011

Book Review: Chasing Darkness by Robert Crais

This is another cracking read from Robert Crais, another in the Elivs Cole/Joe Pike series. I watched a video of the author talking about this novel and about people coming to Los Angeles to chase their dreams but amongst all the glam and glitter there is a dark side. It is this dark side that Elvis finds himself in with this novel.

Elvis did some work for a lawyer a few years back and proved with a time line that a man did not kill this woman. Now it appears to be that the man was the killer and he went on to kill even more women. The police appear to have all the evidence sewn up and Elvis is targetted by the family of one of the following victim's families.

As ever, despite all the nail on evidence the police have, all is not as it seems and Elvis is on the case, aided from time to time by Joe Cole. The police clam up, there appears to be a consipracy to stop Elvis investigating. The spotlight of suspicion falls on the police and others before the truth is revealed.


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